A 6-month 1:1 service in which you will structure and write a Brand Book that will sell for you, for years to come.


👇🏼 Click on the video below to watch a quick training

on how to craft a profitable, impactful Brand Book 👇🏾

In this free training, you'll learn:

👉 The 2 biggest traps entrepreneurs fall into when trying to write a Brand Book

👉 The 4 pillars of crafting a money-making Brand Book

👉 How a Brand Book fits in your offer suite

👉 Ways to make ROI from your Brand Book

Imagine having just ONE core marketing asset that sells for you over and over.

👍🏻 You no longer spend time and energy creating fresh content every single day...

👍🏽 You have established your credibility and are attracting ideal clients...

👍🏿 You've created an evergreen content marketing machine ONCE and then put it on autopilot...

Write your 'forevergreen' Brand Book with my support for 6 months.

Once your book launches and you become a published author,

you'll be seen as a thought leader in your field.

Bonjour, credibility!

Here's what that future could look like for you...

Jessica Andersen

Your Brand Book content is continually inviting your readers to take the next step with you, whether that's:

  • Buying your product or service
  • Joining your email list or community
  • Downloading a free resource
  • And so on!
Jessica Andersen

Thanks to your bestselling book, you are attracting exciting new marketing opportunities, like:

  • Speaking gigs to expand your influence
  • Fun collabs to grow your audience
  • In-person events to meet with your readers (aka your future buyers!) and hear from them directly
  • And more!
Jessica Andersen

You have streamlined your entire marketing strategy by repurposing the content of your book, for example:

  • Turned each chapter topic into a podcast episode
  • Demonstrated your written expertise by creating a video-based companion course
  • Pulled out quotes for social media posts
  • To speak of a few!

In short, your Brand Book will sell for you!

Did you know...
Of the people that say they want to write a book one day, only 3% ever do!

Here’s the thing:
Writing a Brand Book is the BEST action you can take for your marketing strategy, but...

You have to set up your Brand Book the *right* way from the beginning. I’m going to show you how.

You're invited to work with me in...


A 6-month 1:1 service in which you will structure and write a Brand Book that will sell for you, for years to come.

In Brand Book Bootcamp, you'll use my proprietary framework, the Profitable Brand Book Method, to write your money-making Brand Book.

I'll walk you through my 4-step process:


  • Define your goals
  • Know your readers
  • Brainstorm chapter topics
  • Identify structure


  • Build know-like-trust
  • Invite readers to work with you
  • Plug your topics into my template
  • Define weekly writing milestones


  • Submit your work each week
  • Get my accountability
  • Get my feedback via inline comments and Loom
  • Join four 1:1 calls with me


  • Test ideas with your audience
  • Tease your book content
  • Seed your book launch
  • Promote your brilliant book

Here's the flow of our 6-month service together:

Month 1

Free up your time & brainstorm your book content.

Join me for the Kick-off Call and complete From Page to Post content marketing system. Define your goals, know your readers, and identify chapter topics.

Month 2

Outline strategically.

Complete Brand Book Starter Pack and Brand Book Word Count Calculator.

Month 3

Articulate your Founder's Story.

Join me for a Founder's Story Call and write your Introduction.

Month 4

Start writing!

Write 1 chapter per week and submit each for feedback.

Month 5

Keep Calm, Write On.

Write and submit 1 chapter per week, and join me for a Craft of Writing Call.

Month 6

Finish writing & final touches!

Write and submit Conclusion. Create front and back matter; prepare for the editing and design stages; and join me for a Wrap-up Call.

What happens after our 6-month service?

On our Wrap-up call in Month 6, we'll design a personalized roadmap based on your Brand Book goals so you know exactly what to do next on your self-publishing journey, including how to navigate:

  • Editing
  • Design
  • Distribution
  • Launching
  • Marketing
  • And more!

BRAND BOOK BOOTCAMP includes everything you need to write your book from start to finish in only about 1–3 hours per week.

Jessica Andersen

👉 Founder's Story worksheet (for an expertly composed Introduction!)

👉 Brand Book word count calculator

👉 Brand Book Starter Pack plug-and-play outline templates

👉 Four 30-minute milestone calls to keep your writing momentum high (no more blinking cursor syndrome!)

👉 Weekly personalized feedback grounded in 4 years of editing bestselling Brand Books

👉 Week-by-week writing plan

As a Brand Book Bootcamp client, you're also going to get:

Bonus #1



  • Showcase your work and seed the launch of your book with 12 strategic content ideas.
  • Start selling your book TODAY, even if you haven't written a word of it yet!
  • Crafting your Brand Book BECOMES your new social media content and warms people up for your book release!

Bonus #2



Pay in full and get a bonus 1:1 call with me, the "Get Out of Writer's Block Jail Free" call.

Anytime during your 6-month service, if you get stuck writing, just book a time on my calendar, and we'll chat through it so you can get back on track!

Jessica Andersen

Make this the year you write your Brand Book and experience results like these past clients...

Erin reached #1 in 3 Kindle ebook categories as a first-time author!

Jessica Andersen

"I am so grateful for the time and effort you put into editing my book. Thank you for your encouragement and support throughout the editing process. I enjoyed working with you, and I am SO proud of the final manuscript."

Erin Eileen Leigh, author of Navigating the Newborn Months and Beyond

In just 1 year, Erin was able to...

  • Land 5 events (readings, book signings, speaking gigs)
  • Guest on 3 podcasts
  • Get 7 more publishing credits in online outlets
  • Win Finalist in the 2022 IAN Book of the Year Awards
  • Become a 2022 Mom’s Choice Awards® Gold Recipient
  • Reach #1 New Release in 3 Kindle eBooks categories in February 2022
  • Get featured in local newspaper TWI (The Union) in Nevada County, CA in May 2022
  • Get featured in Bay Area Parent Magazine in May 2022
  • Get featured in Vanderbilt University Magazine in Spring 2022
  • Start her author website, email newsletter, and social channels where she has been steadily building an engaged following

First-time author Charlie won gold in the Nonfiction Book Awards!

"I loved the comments Jessica made about what to add/amend. Together we found the right language for my target readers. I really felt she understood the tough job of writing a book, and I always felt that my book was a priority for her. Best of all, the product I got back was awesome. The whole experience was seamless, and the support I got throughout and at the end was amazing. Jessica went the extra mile."

–Charles Serocold, author of A History of the United States for Newcomers and founder of History in a Heartbeat

Jessica Andersen

In just 2 months, Charlie was able to...

  • Win gold in the Nonfiction Book Awards
  • Get stellar reviews, like "Thoroughly researched, comprehensive and beautifully written, this book is a must for anyone who wants to know what has made the US the country it is today. I couldn't fault it."
  • Attract a review from Kirkus which said, "Get it!"
  • Promote his book on Freebooksy, prompting over 2,250 downloads in 1 day
  • Oversubscribe his book by 20x when promoted twice through Goodreads Giveaway
  • Sell over 400 paperback and Kindle copies
  • Garner 54 reviews on Amazon (52 5-star; 2 4-star)

Kateryna attracted 5 new clients from her second book in just 2 weeks!

Jessica Andersen

"Before working with Jessica, I felt good about the message of my book, but I knew my writing needed a lot of work. I needed it done fast, and Jessica made it happen. She sent me her progress so I always knew what part of the book she was working on. When we were finished, my manuscript finally felt suitable for my readers. She made it easy, and I would absolutely recommend her."

Kateryna Armenta, author of I Know What You Need To Succeed and 100 Walls To Be Broken and founder of Ambitious WE

In just 2 weeks, Kateryna was able to...

  • Land 4 speaking gigs
  • Run 3 successful workshops
  • Guest on 4 podcasts
  • Win Finalist in the 2023 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards 
  • Display her book at Miami Book Fest 2023
  • Land at #17 in Motivational Self-Help (Kindle Store) on Amazon
  • Attract 5 new clients in 2023
  • Receive amazing reviews and advertising by word of mouth
  • Increase attendance for the second book launch party
  • Participate in numerous writers' fests and book signings
  • Get featured in an article for Canvas Rebel Magazine 
  • Grow her Facebook page, reporting that "More people are engaged and interested in what I do."

Most book writing coaches charge for these steps individually, but not moi.

Piecing together à la carte stuff adds up fast. I'm dedicated to helping you write your Brand Book from start to finish, not just do one step of the process.

If you were to hire out for each of the steps of the Brand Book Bootcamp process individually, it would cost you:

Market Research $1000
Design a Writing Plan $1000-$3000
6 Months of Book Coaching Sessions $6000
Outline Templates (generic) $400
Developmental Editing* $2000–$4800
Book Content Marketing $6000
Brand Storytelling $4500

TOTAL: $26,000

P.S. That doesn't even include the time it takes to research, and vet, all the service providers you need for the above!

P.P.S. That's why decent ghostwriters charge upwards of $50,000+ to write your Brand Book for you! Because they know that:

  • never having to create content from scratch again
  • generating leads and signing new clients on autopilot
  • and winning PR ops effortlessly

... all with your Brand Book = PRICELESS.

*Developmental Editing = a high-level manuscript edit to solve for big-picture issues, like structure, organization, and flow. Developmental editing is included in Brand Book Bootcamp!

The investment for Brand Book Bootcamp is


Or, choose the payment plan, and pay 6 monthly installments of $917. All prices in USD.

I can't wait to see you craft a timeless, core, one-and-done Brand Book you can reference, repurpose, and leverage endlessly with BRAND BOOK BOOTCAMP.


Bonjour! I'm Jessica Andersen.

I'm an editor-turned-book-coach from the USA who moved to France one day in 2010 and never looked back.

Since starting my business four years ago, I have worked with authors all over the world on dozens of books.

As the founder of Brand Book Bootcamp, I serve entrepreneurs who want to replace their content marketing with a “Brand Book” which will position them as a go-to voice and attract ideal clients on autopilot.


You could try to do this yourself, but here's what you'd be in for:

1. Teach yourself every step of the self-publishing process.

When you're doing it alone, the self-publishing process is daunting. Having to learn the ins and outs of structuring a manuscript, shopping for an editor, getting your book formatted, and choosing your distribution platform... it's enough to make anyone quit before they even get started! Brand Book Bootcamp gives you the shortcut to all of these steps: you'll get a plug-and-play outline template for your manuscript, plus my recommendations for editors and formatters, as well as my self-publishing insight on our Wrap-up call in Month 6.

2. Research your target market.

Be honest... do you really want to do another "client avatar" exercise? Do you really want to lurk the forums of Reddit for little crumbs of market research you can throw into your copystalking spreadsheet? I don't! I want this part to be fun, collaborative, and motivating! I'll show you how to do market research the easy way in Brand Book Bootcamp.

3. Design a strategic writing plan... and stick to it.

Most people get as far as ye olde academic formula of Intro + Body + Conclusion, only to get instantly demotivated. How long do you think you could keep yourself accountable to writing from an outline you're not even sure is strategic? In Brand Book Bootcamp, you'll get access to my 4 plug-and-play outline templates that show you exactly how to organize your Brand Book in a strategic way based on your goals.

4. Self-edit.

You can't be sure you're ideas are coming across to your readers the way you want them to. No one comes out of the womb knowing how to edit their own writing. In Brand Book Bootcamp, you'll get my edits each week. I'm going to tell you exactly which parts of your manuscript need revising, and how.

5. Realize you need support and start headhunting for experts.

If you've DIYed it this far, you definitely know it's time to get support now! But who you gonna call? How do you know which service providers you need? Who's worth their salt? How much time will you spend vetting them? As a Brand Book Bootcamp client, you are going to get my insider list of industry pros to copyedit, proofread, design, and market your book.

6. Throw together a book marketing campaign.

If you have waited this long to start marketing your book, you've lost months already. Marketing a book is a little bit of a different beast. Do you know what kind of content will sell your book? In Brand Book Bootcamp, you'll get started marketing your book right away with the From Page To Post content marketing system which will give you ideas and templates to market your book during our service as well as afterward.

I'm going to be honest with you... it will take years to DIY your Brand Book.

(And maybe you know that already because you've started and stopped your Brand Book so many times, you've lost count. I know, the struggle is real... Now it's time to STOP bootstrapping your Brand Book and get the right support, with Brand Book Bootcamp!)

Brand Book Bootcamp is for YOU if:


Truthbomb: It will take you years to write your book without the proper support, accountability, and feedback.

The container for this service is 6 months by design. I am going to take you by the hand and show you how easy it is to plug your ideas into my templates and write a succinct, impactful book (NOT epic poetry... a quick win for your readers in a conversational tone... you, on the page).


You're an established entrepreneur with experience creating content for social media.

You don't need a writing degree. You should have a clear idea on whom your business serves and how. You should feel excited about the prospect of having your very own Brand Book, and willing to put in the effort to write it yourself (with my help!).


You're not alone—ROI is the #1 question I get asked!

There's intangible ROI (like the transformative and often therapeutic experience of writing a book, and the joy of serving your audience in an accessible way) and tangible ROI (making your money back). A Brand Book is another "loss leader" in your offer suite: done right, it will sell your high-ticket offers on the back end.


Pros don't wait to be inspired. They design their own inspiration.

Brand Book Bootcamp is designed to push you, and you will rise to the challenge. This book is for your BUSINESS. It's your job to grow your business, so it's your job to write the book NOW that will make sales for you on autopilot in a matter of months, not years. I will give you everything you need to know what to write about. Waiting around for inspiration to strike is for amateurs, not entrepreneurs.


It's totally fine if this is your first time writing a book!

Most of my editing clients for the past 3+ years have been first-time authors. They were self-taught, and they had both the desire and the drive to write one hell of a Brand Book. If they can do it, so can YOU! I will give you feedback every step of the way.


If you can write content for social media, you can write a Brand Book.

I get that it's hard to talk about yourself. This isn't a term paper or a corporate white paper. You'll write in an easy, conversational tone. I will help you craft your Founder's Story by interviewing you with strategic questions to draw out the right prose for your Introduction.


Unless you're writing a fiction novel, I promise your Brand Book idea will fit into 1 of the 4 types of Brand Books I've identified in 4+ years as an editor on these books.

Strategize with me on our first call, the Brand Book Blueprint call, and I will coach you on how to identify your type of Brand Book.


Let me be clear: making time in your schedule will be our first order of business inside Brand Book Bootcamp.

My content planning system will make room in your schedule AND give you tons of ideas for content that seeds the launch of your book without having to reinvent the wheel.


This service is NOT intended for folks who wish to get a book deal from a traditional publisher.

(Traditional publishers just want to see your book plans, so you should not write your manuscript before submitting to them.) After Brand Book Bootcamp, you should self-publish your book on your website and/or with another retailer such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

You're ready to write your profitable Brand Book, but you've got questions...

What should I write my Brand Book about?

How will I make an ROI on my Brand Book?

How does a Brand Book fit in my offer suite?

How long does my Brand Book have to be?

What's the best way to structure my Brand Book?

How do I use storytelling in my Brand Book?

How do I set myself up for a successful Brand Book launch?

Jessica Andersen




What access do I have to Jessica?

We will have 4 calls together (plus a bonus call if you choose the Pay in Full option). I will also provide weekly asynchronous feedback in the form of inline comments on your manuscript and personalized Loom videos.

How much time will it take per week to write?

I recommend dedicating 1–3 hours per week on implementing the Brand Book Bootcamp method.

Do you have a payment plan?

You can choose to pay $5000 in full when you book the service, OR you can choose the payment plan with a first payment of $917 and then 5 monthly installments of $917. All prices in USD.

How many words do I have to write?

To make sure that your readers stay engaged and that your Brand Book is actionable for them, plan to write between 25K and 60K words.

Do you offer extensions?

Under normal circumstances, you will be able to finish the first draft of your Brand Book manuscript in the 6 months allotted. There are no extensions, but you may choose to book another Brand Book Bootcamp service according to my availabilities and prevailing rate.

What is a Brand Book?

A timeless, core, one-and-done piece of content you can reference, repurpose, and leverage endlessly. It's a book you will use to promote your brand or business.

What is the refund policy?

We do not offer refunds at any time or for any reason. No exceptions.

What tech do I need?

Nothing fancy! We're working in one Google Doc so that either of us can access the work in progress at any time to review, without having to wait to receive individual files and without risking sending outdated versions of the manuscript.

What kinds of entrepreneurs has Jessica served?

Personal brands, CEOs, coaches, service providers, course creators, spiritual leaders, and more!

Will Jessica edit my manuscript?

Although I will give you my feedback (the industry jargon would be developmental editing) throughout the writing process, copyediting and proofreading are not included in this service.

What happens after the service?

On our wrap-up call, we will discuss your next steps after your Brand Book Bootcamp service has ended. I will provide you my recommendations for editing, design, and launching (these specific services are not included in Brand Book Bootcamp).

Can I use AI to write?

Although today it is 100% my preference and my conviction that you should write your book yourself, I have no way of controlling whether you choose to use AI. However, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to understand and abide by any AI-related regulation when you distribute your book. I release all liability for books created in my service with any amount of AI-generated content.

What if I don't finish writing my book in 6 months?

If you follow the Brand Book Bootcamp process and complete the assignments, there is no reason why you will not finish your Brand Book in 6 months!

I have designed this service specifically so that you can write your Brand Book from start to finish in 6 months. I want to work with folks who are Ready. To. Write. You are going to challenge yourself to do this in 6 months because creating a Brand Book is a longer process overall (there's editing, designing, launching, marketing, etc.).

Through the Brand Book Bootcamp, I will support you with accountability, calls, and editorial feedback every step of the way.

A Brand Book will propel you into thought leader status.

If you've made it this far on the page, I know you're ready to write a Brand Book.

It's time to step into your Rich Author Era!

You have two options...


You can attempt to craft a Brand Book yourself... costing you months if not years of sitting around, waiting for inspiration to strike, wondering why it's so hard and realizing you could have been making high-ticket sales and leveraging speaking gigs from your Brand Book by now.


You can work with moi inside of BRAND BOOK BOOTCAMP and spend the next 6 months crafting a Brand Book that will establish your credibility, get you speaking on stages, and make more sales for you on autopilot in a matter of months, not years.


Your next step is to apply...